Ryan Levels Up!

“Level-up time! Woo-hoo!” is the famous Mario catchphrase when you advance to the next level. And in life, each year you grow older is a new game and challenge that you have to face. So, for Super Mario fans, Daddy and Mommy, what better way to celebrate Ryan’s Levelling-Up party than with a fun party themed after their favourite childhood game!

A party is not a party without food! From ice-cream on fluffy waffles, to freshly brewed coffee and ice-blended juices, each one represented Daddy and Mommy’s favourite foods; a treat to share with baby Ryan.

What is Super Mario if not bursting with colour? Like Mario saving Princess Peach, the desserts are the reward at the end of Ryan’s Level 1. Bright, sweet and fruity, the delicious confections are topped with gorgeous watercolour illustrations of the Super Mario characters, and the birthday boy, of course!

I used to be rarely fond of children. The occasional toddler might be cute, but let's face it, they can be bothersome at times. But, when I had Ryan, children went from frustrating to "Precious One". Well, Ryan in particular. And when his eyes opened for the first time, so did mine.

Ryan, you boost up my life. You light Mommy's life with so much joy, filled it with little cute antics, spontaneous laughter, surprised us with your opinionated words, your activeness and persistent character. You are not just an important thing, you are my everything. Thank you for being my number one fan!

“Life is a game, son, it all depends on how you play! But like with all games, it can get a little tough. But, always remember that Mommy is your biggest fan. I will always be in your Kart and will play with you till the end. Let's-a go, little guy!” Love, Mommy

Written by: Tricia and Avery
Decor: Moments
Illustration: Christa @christasyd
Photography: Yung Yaw Photography
Ice-Cream: Inside Scoop
Coffee: 5th Sip
Desserts: JY Food Lab
Birthday Cake: BITTER/SWEET
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